This article focuses on internal exposure to ionizing radiation, its detrimental effects on health, and what nutrition-related steps you can take to reduce exposure and absorption in the body.
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Saturday, 22 August 2015
Curcumin enhanced therapeutic efficacy of M. oleifera root extract and showed better antioxidant potential against beryllium toxicity.
The extant literature suggests that risk of mortality is reduced in patients with a higher fish intake and those with higher serum omega-3 fatty acid levels.
Heal Your Heart and Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer
The mind-body connection is undeniable. Can healing your heart and your emotional wounds reduce your risk of breast cancer?
The average human heart beats 72 times per minute, transporting blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients through miles of arteries and veins. Western Medicine is acutely aware of the importance of this "physical pump" and its role in sustaining life. But is there a connection between the heart and breast cancer?
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Oridonin displays potent anticancer effect against uveal melanoma cells through upregulation of Bim and inhibition of FAS.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
Vegetable Extract Treats Autism Better Than Drugs
The CDC says there is no treatment for autism, but this vegetable extract significantly improved the condition in a recent clinical trial.
Presently, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is considered a condition with no known conventional treatment. According to the CDC: "There are no medications that can cure ASD or treat the core symptoms."[1] With a prevalence rate in the U.S. estimated to be 1 in every 68 children,[2] a growing number of families are actively searching for safe, affordable and effective interventions.
Thankfully, and despite the failings of pharmaceutical-based medicine, there are natural interventions that have been studied and appear to hold great promise. For instance, we have indexed research from the National Library of Medicine on over 30 natural substances that may play a role in improving the condition. You can view these study abstracts on our Autism Spectrum Disease research database, and you will also find a list there of over 20 substances that should be avoided there, including heavy metals in vaccines and common dietary components like gluten.
Broccoli Extract Does The "Impossible": Improves Autism Spectrum Disorder
Of all the natural substances we have reviewed with potential value in the treatment of ASD, sulforaphane, a molecule found in cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts, is perhaps the most promising candidate.
A groundbreaking study published in 2014 in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA titled, "Sulforaphane treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)," found that a broccoli sprout extract significantly improved the behavior of boys and men with ASD. The researchers pointed out that, presently, no conventional, mechanism-based treatment is available for ASD. Sulforaphane was selected, in part, because its physiological effects are well characterized and ideal for those with ASD:
Dietary sulforaphane, of recognized low toxicity, was selected for its capacity to reverse abnormalities that have been associated with ASD, including oxidative stress and lower antioxidant capacity, depressed glutathione synthesis, reduced mitochondrial function and oxidative phosphorylation, increased lipid peroxidation, and neuroinflammmation."
The placebo-controlled, randomized pilot study of 44 males, ages 13-27, showed that after 18 weeks of treatment with a sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprout extract, 46% had significant improvements in social interactions and 42% has significant improvements in verbal communication.
Additionally, more than half the participants showed decreases in abnormal behaviors, including irritability, hyperactivity and repetitive movements. Of note, once treatment stopped, most of the behaviors returned to pretreatment levels. For more details on the study, read a Medscape report on the study, including an interview with the study's lead researcher.
The dosing schedule was determined by body weight:
- 100 lbs or less: one capsule containing 50 µmol (232 mg) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
- 101–199 lbs, 100 µmol (two capsules of 232 mg each) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
- More than 200 lbs: 150 µmol (three capsules of 232 mg each) of sulforaphane-rich broccoli extract was given daily
Sulforaphane: A Largely Ignored Panacea-like Phytocompound
It may come as a surprise to many reading this that so simple and natural a substance as broccoli extract could have significant therapeutic value in a condition which is considered refractory to conventional treatment and whose causes, including vaccines, are considered politically incorrect to discuss, despite evidence provided by one of the CDC's senior vaccine scientists to support the connection.
But the truth is that sulforaphane is no newcomer to the medical research community. It happens to be one of the most extensively studied and promising natural substances in existence. You will find over 1200 published studies on and you'll find an archive of over 200 citations on our database indicating its value in a staggering 150 different conditions.
Keep in mind that sulforaphane concentrations are several hundred times higher in the broccoli sprout versus mature broccoli. There are now a wide range of manufacturers that produce broccoli sprout extract making it all the more convenient to obtain and administer a therapeutic dose.
Saturday, 1 August 2015
The Food Babe Way Review Showcasing Weight-Loss
The Food Babe Way: Break Free from the Hidden Toxins in Your Food and also Drop Weight, Look Years Younger, and Get Healthy and Balanced in Just 21 Days!
A #1 National Bestseller! Cut concealed food contaminants, lose weight, as well as get healthy in just 21 days.
Did you understand that your fast food fries contain a chemical utilized in Silly Putty? Or that a juicy peach doused heavily with chemicals could be activating your body to store fat?
When we go to the supermarket, we rely on that all our groceries are safe to consume. However a lot of just what we're taking into our physical bodies is either polluted with chemicals or processed in a manner that makes us put on weight, feel unwell, as well as age before our time.
Thankfully, Vani Hari - also known as the Food Babe - has actually got your back. A food activist who has courageously put the heat on big food firms to reveal active ingredients and get rid of dangerous ingredients from their products, Hari has made it her life's goal to enlighten the world about the best ways to live a clean, organic, healthy lifestyle in an overprocessed, contaminated-food world, and also how you can feel and look fantastic while doing it.
In THE FOOD BABE WAY, Hari invites you to follow an easy and accessible strategy to clear your physical body of toxins, lose weight without counting calories, and also restore your natural radiance in merely 21 days.
Including anecdotes of her very own makeover in addition to easy-to-follow grocery shopping lists, meal strategies, as well as mouthwatering recipes, THE FOOD BABE WAY will empower you to change your food, change your physical body, and change the world.
As a fellow author, I personally support Vani's publication as it's based upon the very same principles as my book, The Path To True Health And Optimal Wellness. We both think exactly what you place in your mouth impacts your wellness, positively or negatively, so pick carefully!
She gives a comprehensive food guide and also an eating plan along with recipes that make it simple for an individual to stay focused and attain their health goals. Simply follow her strategy and transform your health and wellness. If you can follow directions, you can do this.
She has actually taken the guess work out of the equation and also given you the exact plan. The rest depends on you, are you prepared to transform your health and wellness?
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Green Juice Reno Providing Green Juices At RAWBRY Juice Bar
Green juice Reno by RAWBRY is inviting you to transform your life!
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Anti-Vaccine Witch Hunt FAIL Dr. Jack Wolfson Cleared Of All Charges
Click here to search for "Dr. Jack Wolfson" on
Organized by vaccine industry trolls and paid negative PR operatives, a total of 38 complaints were filed against Dr. Jack Wolfson with the Arizona state medical board. This is all part of the effort of the vaccine industry to destroy the credibility of any person who exercises true scientific, rational thought on the issue of risks versus rewards for vaccine interventions in children and adults. The idea here is that if enough punishment and aggression is directed against some doctors who speak out on the issue of vaccine side effects, then all the other doctors who may be witnessing these damaging effects of vaccines will decide to stay silent.
Dr. Wolfson was smeared by the mainstream media while
receiving death threats from vaccine trolls
Like many physicians who tell the truth about vaccine side effects and potential dangers, Dr. Wolfson received death threats and was threatened with violence. This is more common than you might suppose -- the very same industry that routinely commits medical violence against children in the form of toxic vaccine ingredients is also well-known for encouraging and even organizing online threats of violence against physicians who are attempting to help protect children.The "chilling effect" of these campaigns to discredit compassionate doctors is extraordinarily powerful, and it's one of the main reasons why so many people are terrified at speaking out against the vaccine industry and its ongoing damaging and maiming of innocent children. We are literally living in a modern day medical police state where informed opinions that question the official narrative of the vaccine industry are simply not tolerated by the establishment.
The Arizona Osteopathic Medical Board took up the complaints against Dr. Jack Wolfson, and they concluded that although Dr. Wolfson's statements might not reflect the consensus of the medical establishment, they are an acceptable expression of Dr. Wolfson's free speech rights to voice his own educated medical opinion on matters relating to public safety and medical practices.
Vaccine industry FAIL: Dr. Wolfson will not be silenced
All the doctors and trolls and Pharma-funded operatives who were calling for Dr. Wolfson's license to be revoked, in other words, have once again failed to achieve their desired aim. Dr. Wolfson continues to practice medicine in Arizona as a well-respected cardiologist, where he is widely celebrated by his patients for being a doctor who isn't paralyzed into silence by the medical system... and is therefore able to offer extremely valuable opinions and insight on medical issues affecting millions of people today.Patients are now flocking to Dr. Wolfson because they know he's someone who can be trusted to tell the truth about public health issues, and he won't be silenced by the medical system that wants to keep patients in the dark on issues that impact their health.
Here at Natural News, we salute Dr. Wolfson for having the courage and perseverance to stand his ground and tell the truth, even in the face of a delusional mob of vaccine fanatics. The truth is the most dangerous thing in modern medicine today, an industry built on lies, propaganda and profits. The very last thing the industry wants people to know is the truth about vaccine side effects and the shocking lack of efficacy found in many of the vaccines being sold today, which utterly lack any real scientific testing at all. See Merck vaccine fraud exposed by two Merck virologists; company faked mumps vaccine efficacy results for over a decade, says lawsuit.
The fact that Dr. Wolfson was so aggressively attacked for defending medical integrity is all the evidence you need that the vaccine industry is a house of cards built on medical delusions and a "science mob mentality" rather than scientific truth. After all, any system of medicine based on rigorous science rather than propaganda would have no fear at all of someone raising relevant questions.
Click here to search for "vaccine injury"
For those of you in Arizona or anywhere across America who would like to visit Dr. Wolfson as a patient, you may learn about his cardiology practice at the following website:
Dr. Jack Wolfson's public statement
What follows is the statement released by Dr. Wolfson, describing how he was cleared of all charges and complaints that were leveled against him for speaking out on the issue of vaccine safety:To those medical doctors who called for my license to be revoked, I have two words for you... case dismissed.
Actually I had two other words for you, but children may be reading this post.
The Arizona Osteopathic Medical Board briefly reviewed my case and decided that while many people may be against my opinions, some people may be in agreement with me. But it is my First Amendment right to MAKE those statements. Case dismissed.
Some of you may not have heard my story which culminated in 38 complaints to the medical board, so let me recap.
In late January of this year, I was interviewed by NBC regarding cases of the measles virus that appear to have started at Disneyland. Many voiced their displeasure with my television comments. In response, I crafted a blog post on that went viral, viewed by hundreds of thousands and shared all over social media. The article was a scathing condemnation of parents who blindly follow their doctor's advice, loading up their children with vaccines. Most parents do not question vaccine safety or the benign childhood infections vaccines were designed to prevent. I stand by that post today as much as on the day I crafted it.
The mass circulation of the post led to an appearance on CNN with Erin Burnett. After a lopsided debate in which the deck was stacked against me, the talking-head moron, Burnett, goes off her teleprompter script to announce to the world that she, "Dr. Burnett" did her research. She vaccinated her children. My guess is that she spent her child's doctor visit texting on her cell phone.
Later that same evening, I let the devil into my house. Her name is Elizabeth Cohen of CNN. After 45 minutes of taping, I unfortunately gave her the sound bite she wanted. The same question was asked over and over. "Could you live with yourself if your child infected another child and that child died?"
My response always started off..." As a father, as a doctor, and as a human being, it pains me to think of any child getting sick. But, I am not going to put my child's life at risk to theoretically save another child." In my final moment of frustration, I gave her the sound bite she craved, as a vampire would lust for blood.
I also stated that the immuno-compromised child in the discussion likely got cancer from a vaccine onslaught. Formaldehyde, a component of vaccines, has been linked with leukemia, the exact cancer that afflicted the child in the story. Again, it pains me that parents are so ignorant as to allow their children to eat, drink, bath, and wear chemicals. But nothing is worse than injecting the poisons directly into the body.
To all the pediatricians in the world, please show me the study that found 69 doses of 16 vaccines do not cause cancer, auto-immune disease, and brain injury.
The number one job of a parent is to protect their children. My wife ate pure organic Paleo while pregnant. We did a home birth, breast fed for three years, and co-sleep with our children. We avoid dangerous household products.
There is no freakin' way we are injecting them with known carcinogens and immune activators, the exact toxins we spend our lives trying to avoid. After all, we are talking about mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, antibiotics, aborted human fetal tissue, animal tissue, ethylene glycol etc. All this to prevent viruses like measles and chicken pox. Chicken pox!
All of my media exposure and comments generated 38 complaints to the Arizona Osteopathic Medical Board and an investigation was opened. Many of those who complained were medical doctors from around the country. None were from patients of mine, of course.
Some of those doctors who complained were fellow D.O. brothers and sisters. They obviously forgot the foundations of osteopathic medicine, created by A.T. Still in the late 1800's. Still, a contemporary of D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, recognized that mainstream medicine was using danger treatment modalities such as mercury and arsenic. He denounced the doctors of the time and believed in the innate ability of the body to heal when given the right nutrients and causative factors are removed.
A.T. Still is rolling over in his grave seeing the vast majority of osteopaths for what they are, drug peddlers and wanna-be MD's.
After CNN, I realized mainstream media is never fair and balanced. They have an agenda to appease their advertising puppeteers. I continued to promote my message on the radio, social media, lectures, and of course, my new book, The Paleo Cardiologist. I have never gone dark as CNN accused me of doing.
Do people really want to live in a country where doctors cannot have opinions outside of those promoted by pharmaceutical companies and the doctors on their payroll? Should doctors like me shut up about pharmaceutical dangers and useless procedures? Do you wish the anti-smoking community had just shut up about the risk of tobacco? Or that leaded gasoline was still in use, or allowed in children's toys and paint for houses?
I am free to speak my mind and speak the truth, as a doctor, a father, and an American. I urge you and urge all doctors to come out of the shadows and from under the rock where they hide. Open your eyes and open your mouth.
There are hundreds of us out there on the front line defending the sanctity of children. Join us.
In health,
Jack Wolfson DO, FACC - The Paleo Cardiologist
Learn more:
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Cave Creek Area Martial Arts Studio Helping Transform Our Children
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
NIH Protects Sugar Industry Over Children’s Teeth
Link to original source by GreenMedInfo -
In the 1950s any six-year-old could tell you candy and soda cause cavities. Yet for decades the government has gone to great lengths to downplay the connection between sugar and tooth decay. The result has been more profits for the sugar industry and more cavities for kids.
A study published in the journal PLoS Medicine examined internal cane and beet sugar industry documents from 1959 to 1971.[i] Researchers from the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) show that the sugar industry successfully manipulated the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to conduct research on dental caries designed to protect the industry's financial interests.
In 1966 President Johnson declared war on cavities. The objective was for the U.S. National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR), a branch of the NIH, to start an accelerated 10-year research program that would result in the virtual eradication of dental caries. It was called the National Caries Program (NCP).
Common sense would lead you to believe that the first step in preventing tooth decay would be to reduce the amount of sugary foods kids eat. According to the researchers, as early as 1950 even the sugar industry trade organization representing 30 international members accepted the fact that sugar caused tooth decay.
But reducing sugar intake was not in the best financial interests of the industry. Instead, the sugar documents show that the industry influenced the NIH to move away from any talk of reducing sugar intake and instead focus on a "cure" for tooth decay that didn't involve children eating less sugar.
The strategy is the same one that lets the food industry avoid taking responsibility for the obesity epidemic. The industry points the finger at lack of physical activity rather than the quality and quantity of food eaten by America's children. And the food industry has co-opted the government to get their agenda written into dietary and exercise guidelines and weight reduction recommendations.
In 1969 the NIH basically threw in the towel on sugar reduction. It concluded that reducing sugar consumption was theoretically possible but not practical as a public health measure. Instead in 1971 they adopted 78% of the sugar industry's research recommendations. Research that could have been harmful to sugar industry interests was omitted.The sugar industry encouraged the NIH to design research projects that, instead of looking at sugar, focused on:
- Fluoride in toothpaste
- Fluoridated water supplies
- Adding fluoride to sugar, salt or flour
- Reducing the virulence of mouth bacteria
- Developing a vaccine against tooth decay
- Using food additives like phosphates to counter the effects of sugar
- Using enzymes to break up dental plaque
- Developing protective enamel sealants
Friday, 10 July 2015
How To Make BulletProof Coffee Quickly
This is how you can make bulletproof coffee that will fire up a fatty tissue burning furnace in your physical body!
Thursday, 9 July 2015
The Secret To Creating the Body You Want In No Time
The secret to creating the body you want is your daily habits, click here to review!
Wednesday, 1 July 2015
Salon Hair Care Products in Scottsdale Featuring Kevin Murphy Hair Products
Click Here to view The Luxxi Salon's new video commercial!
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Wellness Studio in Scottsdale That Covers All Your Health Needs
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Chiropractic Care in Scottsdale Worth Your Time
Click Here to learn more!
Friday, 19 June 2015
Why Should You Eat Fermented Foods?
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Melt 100 Calories 8 Fun Ways
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Burn 100 Calories 8 Fun Ways
8 Fun Ways to Burn 100 Calories
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Includes No Dangerous Chemical Stabilizers
Saturday, 13 June 2015
The Three Must Haves To Keep You Fit
It's so easy to fall out of habit in regards to your health and wellness. Each passing day that you are off your healthy lifestyle routine, it becomes that much easier to stay off it and your health and fitness level suffer.
It doesn't have to be that way if you stick to these 3 basic principles.
Number one, Nutrition, it's critical that you follow a healthy lifestyle diet. I recommend a plant based whole food eating diet which will help you function at an optimal level and keep your weight in check. It's important to consume a lot of greens and a mix of fruits each day and make sure they are organic so your body doesn't have to deal with removing the pesticides from conventionally growth produce.
Number two, Exercise, and to be more specific, interval training! Interval training is far more effective than traditional cardio and it's faster and more fun. The beauty of interval training is it only takes 30 minutes or less, not hours of boring cardio and it produces better results and burns fat 24-36 hours after your workout! Interval training helps build and maintain lean muscle mass while normal cradio turns down your heart muscle mass.
And Number three, partner with a proven Health Coach! An experienced health coach can help you avoid the pitfalls that derail you from staying on your fitness plan. They can help you eliminate foods you shouldn't be eating and tighten up your overall diet. and, they can help you stay on task!
As long as you stay focused on these three key areas, your health and fitness level will be in top shape.
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
The Substances That Make Up McDonalds French Fries Are Toxic
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Make Your Very Own Homemade Sports Drink Without Artificial Ingredients
I haven't consumed Gatorade in years even though I'm still an extremely energetic individual and love to exercise. The fact is, the substances in both Gatorade and also Powerade are trash as well as this info has to be shared. For myself, I utilize coconut water or fresh made juice and it hydrates me and also replenishes my electrolytes just great.
I find its disgusting that 40 years ago scientists were paid by specific sports drink firms to tell us we would not have the ability to hydrate our own selves with just ordinary water which our children did not drink enough throughout meals, or that our efficiency would fall off during sporting occasions if we did not consume this artificially flavored, colored sodium water.
I find its outrageous that some physicians still advise these horrible beverages that are full of artificial ingredients, to dad and moms with sick children.
This just makes me crazy with what they are pushing on everyone. Gatorade & Powerade beverages include GMOs, fabricated food dyes, and synthetic ingredients. Sounds delicious, doesn't it? I'll pass! This homemade sports drink, however, has none, just real, organic elements that you recognize and can articulate! And also, it's ideal to have after being in the sun all day, this will certainly hydrate you quick and also offer you a serious dose of nutrition!
Lets talk about the nutritional elements of this homemade sports drink to offer you an idea of simply exactly how powerful it is. This beverage has a bit more fruit juice than I typically would recommend for green beverages, the reason being that you'll be consuming this after you have actually shed a lot of calories, and shed electrolytes & sweat! If you really feel that's too much fruit juice in your homemade sports drink, merely cut the fruit substances in half.
Watermelon: has a high water content for hydrating you fast and lycopene that aids in safeguarding your skin from excessive sunlight exposure.
Green Apple: provides potassium as well as magnesium that helps with headaches connected to dehydration.
Cucumber: Among the best vegetables for organic hydration.
Celery: A natural resource of sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride, and phosphorus.
Orange: A strong dose of vitamin C that helps in boosting the body immune system.
Romaine: An additional wonderful dosage of magnesium to aid in preventing dehydration and also some calcium for bone health and wellness.
Sports Drink Substances
one green apple - cored
one cup seedless watermelon - chopped
one half of a cucumber
2 stalks of celery
one orange - peeled off
two cups sliced romaine lettuce
Make Your Beverage
First off, certainly, rinse all your fruits and vegetables in water as well as place into a big bowl. Put all your active ingredients through your juicer. And also, clean up your juicer right after making your drink. That's it, you're ready to delight in and restore!
Ensure you consistently make use of natural substances whenever feasible for your homemade sports drink.
If you have a couple of close friends that are still drinking the Gatorade or Powerade trash, invite them over as well as just make this for them. Have them experience what an actual organic sports drink tastes like, they'll be hooked!
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Are You Looking To Work With An Experienced Scottsdale Health Coach?
Are you trying to find a skilled well informed health and wellness coach of Scottsdale who can help guide you to where you wish to go regards to your health and wellness.
Would you take pleasure in a Wellness Coach which has really helped save his mother from colon cancer cells naturally, making use of the knowledge he really obatined over the past 15 years.
You don't have to suffer, feel terrible or remain in persistent discomfort daily, it matters not exactly what your age, you could live pain free pain and you could prosper!
Group with a Wellness Coach a who could get you on a course to genuine health and wellness by leading you via a collection of activities where you begin to make way of life selections that will help you in growing and where to learn ways to effortlessly stop disease from taking place.